Transparent, Unbiased Technology Audits for Your Most Complex Business Processes
Audits are an ongoing challenge for technology and finance professionals, particularly with the new compliance and data security laws that have gone into effect in recent years. Each aspect of your business must be meticulously analyzed to ensure you are staying within the required parameters, with significant penalties for lack of compliance. Many businesses conduct an audit each year to ensure that all relevant tax laws are being followed, but just as important is performing an annual technology audit. Preparing for these audits can be a time-consuming and challenging process if you’re not familiar with updated tax and compliance laws, which is why many small to mid-size businesses elect to partner with audit professionals to prepare for this annual event.
Your Technology Audit: Creating an Inventory of IT Products and Services
Technology changes at an astounding rate, making it difficult for overworked teams to stay on top of the latest products and services that are available in the marketplace — or even those that are being used within your organization! It’s not unusual for teams to decide that they need specific functionality throughout the year, and then add a new software tool without informing their IT department. When this happens, it can leave your organization’s sensitive data and business applications in a dangerous situation — potentially open to cybercriminals or revealing more information than you intended to your competitors. Working with trusted and secure technology audit professionals provides you with an ongoing inventory of the technology services that your company is using, which can make audits more seamless (and painless!) in the future.
The Next Generation of Internal Audit
A rigorous internal audit is often a way to catch costs that are getting out of line or other inconsistencies in your business. A technology audit is focused around the same principle: offering business and technology professionals an opportunity to come together around the current and future business process requirements. Deprecating aging hardware or software that is no longer being utilized, ensuring that databases are fully secure and that contractor and staff access are adequately managed — these are all actions that will help protect your business both now and in the future. The potential savings are weighty, with companies finding unexpected surprises lurking within their networked ecosystems. Companies are facing advanced risks, with ever-greater numbers of staffers working from home. “2020’s COVID19 situation led to a transformation. Remote work inevitably brings a new set of risks and challenges,” says Guy Franklin, Managing Director at SOSA NYC, Global Cyber Center. “Hackers are ready for that.”
While having your internal IT team perform technology audits is always an option, it’s one that can be difficult for organizations where IT professionals are already faced with extensive projects as well as day-to-day operations. Working with the professionals at Altera Solutions helps ensure that you are receiving a completely unbiased technology audit and recommendations from experts with over a decade of experience. Contact our team at (833) 373-3635 or via email to to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.

Experienced technology executive with the vision and ability to obtain results. Expert in design and delivery of cost-effective, high performance information technology infrastructure solutions that address complex business problems. Strong network technology background especially in the financial services sector; knowledgeable in many aspects of trading technologies and low latency solutions.