Improve Productivity and Customer Experience with Unified Communications
The way teams communicate today looks much different than communications only a few years ago. Live meetings are often replaced by or supplemented with videoconferencing, online chat, and text messages, depending on the physical location of team members, topics of conversation, and project timelines. While emails are still a major component of corporate communication, they’re more likely to be used as a tool to recap deliverables than the primary mode of message delivery or collaboration. Creating a unified communications infrastructure allows your organization to take advantage of modern tools to create a secure, reliable, and consistent base of operations for your business — improving both the productivity of internal teams and the experience for your external customers.
Project Timelines Easily Slip with Scattered Communications
Deadlines are delivered fast and furious to your teams, but what happens when there’s a miscommunication on key points? It may be too far down the project path to adjust, creating additional expenses for your company in terms of time and effort. Projects are often completed across business units, allowing teams to flow and morph as needed. The standard weekly team meeting is no longer enough to ensure that all members are up-to-date on complex technology or related issues. Without a unified communications platform in place and utilized by all team members, companies find that deadlines can slip and deliverables are missed.
Don’t Risk the Security of Your Business Data and Applications
Maintaining a high level of security can become more challenging over time, particularly as individuals or teams attempt to utilize tools that are not part of the corporate infrastructure. When your teams provide consistent and reliable access to a broad span of unified communications tools, your teams are less likely to look for alternatives that may create security issues for your business. Even sharing individual documents and or links to confidential files can be dangerous without a unified communications solution in place. Since users are collaborating in real-time from a centralized location, your IT administrators or technology partners are able to maintain greater control over document availability and distribution.
Streamline Communications and Reduce Business Risk
A single file thoughtlessly forwarded to a business partner can be disastrous in the best of times, but unified communications platforms are designed to help. Created to support the needs of large and complex teams, unified communications strategies form the backbone of the most successful businesses in the world. From routing customers efficiently to the right support staff to keeping your executives on board with upcoming initiatives, it’s difficult to overstate the importance of clear and consistent communication within an organization.
Pulling together a disparate grouping of communication platforms can be a challenge for even the most focused internal teams. When you partner with Altera Solutions, you are gaining access to a broad base of knowledge in the realm of unified communications platforms and services. We are the trusted advisors to large organizations and enterprises, providing solutions that meet your evolving communication and technology needs. Contact the experts at Altera Solutions at (833) 373-3635 or via email to to schedule your complimentary initial consultation.

Experienced technology executive with the vision and ability to obtain results. Expert in design and delivery of cost-effective, high performance information technology infrastructure solutions that address complex business problems. Strong network technology background especially in the financial services sector; knowledgeable in many aspects of trading technologies and low latency solutions.